An apple a day keeps the doctor away?

Everyone has heard this statement before…An apple a day keeps the doctor away. But what really keeps the doctor away is much more complex than a simple apple. True and lasting health is an accumulation of hundreds of decisions or more we make daily.

So how can we start to improve our physical and mental health?

It starts by establishing healthy routines for ourselves and for our children. These routines can look very different for each person, it is important to remember that we are all unique and therefore have different needs but generally it can be based on the same principles, for old and young.

1.Drink more water

(not juice, not tea…just plain old water maybe add a citrus essential oil drop for flavor, my favorite are Lemon, Lime, Grapefruit and meta PWR)

It is a known fact that in the USA over 75 percent of people are dehydrated to some level. This is one of the main causes of brain fog, headaches, muscle cramping, fatigue and dry mouth. So start the day off, after oil pulling of course and tongue scrapping (two great Ayurveda simple rituals) by drinking one or two glasses of room temperature water with fresh lemon for extra benefits.

2. Move your body throughout the day.

This can be understood differently depending on your fitness background. For example, as a former athlete, I feel my best when I go for a run, do yoga or a short plyometric workout but I also integrate an afternoon walk or/and an evening walk. We were not made to sit down all day and the more you move, the more energy you will have.

3. Eat a balanced plant based whole food diet (or reduce meat)

The more unrecognizable your food is from its original state, the less healthy it is. Read labels and be aware of what you're putting into your body. Get to know your needs and listen to your body.

Instead of having a no mindset…no meat, no sweets, no softdrink…think of adding things that are good for you…

More vegetables, more whole grains, more water, more legumes…This way the nourishing food with slowly replace the unhealthy food in a natural way.

4. Take time for selfcare.

This is where essential oils play a big part in my selfcare routine.

When my children were young, the only time I took for myself was to do a workout or to practice yoga. Although it was not enough, it was still a very important decision because I felt good in my body and this gave me inner resistance and stability to be able to handle the sleepless nights and non stop demands of raising four children without having any support from our extended Family since we were living in Germany and our families were in two different continents.

My self-care essential oil hacks:

Lemon essential oil in my water daily

Frankincense essential oil in my face cream morning and evening (anti-aging and soothing for the soul)

Cypress essential oil mixed into my body lotion for water retention prevention and a grounding effect on my mind

Zengest essential oil in my water after my biggest meal of the day for digestion support

Evening ritual of one drop of oil in my hands, to either support meditation or just give me a moment of peace and relaxation before sleeping or putting the kids to bed

5. Choose your friends, partner and social circle wisely

The quality of your relationships have a huge impact on your happiness and wellbeing. Stop making excuses for other people and start looking at what is nurturing your soul and chose you.

6. Laugh More

Laughter enhances your intake of oxygen-rich air, stimulates your heart, lungs and muscles, and increases the endorphins that are released by your brain which activate and relieve your stress response.

7. Sleep Better

Develop a sleep routine. This is not only for children, at the end we as adults are not a completely different breed from children, we are just the grown up version. So if you have children then you have definitely noticed how their bed time routine can have a huge impact on their quality and quantity of sleep.

No screen time two hours before bed, get to sleep before 10pm in the week if possible and try and eat a lighter meal in the evening followed by a short walk after dinner, this also helps your digestion even if its only 10 minutes.

8. Choose Happiness

Stop complaining and start being thankful for what you already are and what you already have in this moment. Thankfulness can be an extremely powerful practice and the more thankful you are, the more your cup seems half full instead of half empty.

9. Challenge yourself and learn something new

Our brains need to be used and if life becomes just a routine, then you get bored and loose interest, keep it spicy by always looking to learn something new.

10. Meditate or take some quiet time for yourself to just be.

Meditation can also just be a walk in the forest with no distractions, create moments of mindfulness throughout your day and this will have a big impact on your nervous system.

10. Do not take life so seriously, learn to laugh at yourself 🤍

All of these tips can be explored in more detail but maybe one or two tips will help you make a change and improve the way you feel in your body, mind and soul. We are a combination of all three things and true health is having them all in a healthy balance 🌸

Hope you enjoyed my blog article and if you have any questions or would like to reach out and get more information, please write me an email or contact me through the contact page of my website. 🤍 Looking forward to hearing from you.



Yoga Alignment


A life full of strength and energy thanks to MetaPWR