Essential oils and emotional support

Essential oils have been used historically for hundreds of years to support overall mental health and mood. Whether they are inhaled or used topically, essential oil compounds are known to influence the chemistry of the body and brain via the activation of the olfactory receptors located in the nose or through skin absorption.

For instance, smelling an essential oil can stimulate the limbic system, a set of complex yet interconnected structures in the brain that help regulate our emotional experiences, including our stress levels and motivational drive. This can result in a change in the body’s neurochemistry. For example, the release of the neurotransmitter serotonin can ultimately enhance mood while reducing anxiety. Not all essential oils are capable of doing this, and individual differences between people can also affect the way they respond to specific essential oils.

My journey with essential oils began by supporting myself and my family more on a physical level. I had suffered for years with bloating and pain after eating and after several changes in my diet and various tests checking for intolerance and allergies, I still had no results.

Until I started using a digestion blend developed with pure therapeutic grade essentials oils including fennel, anis, peppermint and caraway. I was so amazed by the soothing effects of this blend. I immediately started to integrate it into my daily routine by rubbing it on my stomach mixed with fractionated coconut oil and also drinking a glass of water with one drop of “ZENGEST” after my meals.

Since then, I have integrated the oils in my and my family’s daily life, in my yoga classes and also in my coaching session with my doterra team.

To find the right oil for the corresponding emotional state is like being a detective. Emotions are very complex and to help support individuals to come back to their inner balance, you have to dig deep to really know what the underlying emotion is which also allows us to become more aware of ourselves and and have more self reflection. Many people search for happiness or fulfillment on the outside, through other people or through materialistic things or experiences.

True happiness and fulfillment can only come from within and this is also a component of integrating the oils into your daily life, allowing yourself to really get to know yourself without any distractions from the outside world.

It is actually the simple act of taking one drop of an essential oil in your hands, closing your eyes and just breathing the oil in. To sit with the current emotion that you are feeling, to really be with it, observe it, acknowledge it, but not to get too attached to it, and stay away from the drama of it. Emotions are just energy in motion and if you allow them to flow, they will also pass.

As humans we are wired to focus on the negative, to tell everyone about a negative feeling, emotion, situation etc. This is a primal act of survival that we have inherited from our ancestors. The wonderful thing is, you can change this, you can train your brain to think otherwise. There is absolutely no need to repeat a negative situation over and over to everyone you know. What happens internally when we do this? We reinforce the negative feeling and even pass this negative energy or emotion over to the next person and you are spreading this negative vibe of energy to those around you.

Fortunately, this also works with positive emotions and experiences, the more you start to train your brain to see what is good, what is already there, what you are thankful for, the more positive energy and experiences you pull back in to yourself. This is the simple law of attraction. So where do essential oils come into this process? They can work as anchors or reminders to help you regain your balance, to reduce your stress, to support you in times of grief and sadness. One drop at a time.

If you are interested on learning more about how essential oils can support you, just write me an email and I would love to be your guide and help get you started on your personal journey with these wonderful gifts of nature.



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